Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: Div 1 week 20

Posted by Brooker on 24-09-2015 00:33

Most people use the rules as a guide line but, never actually enforce them in these situations, i think rule 34 is really meant for a team not turning up at all, without any prior notice.

Now the Wizards have claimed this game, it means that rule applies to you but, i would imagine the league never really thought another team would claim a match because the other team were 20-30 minutes late when creating this rule.

A match can start at 8.15 & the first frame take 45 minutes, another match could start at 8.45 & the first frame take 15 minutes, in both matches the second frame would start at 9, so i don't see half an hour as that late personally. Most of us work, have to get trains home, eat dinner, shower & then get to the pool match, which is why 99% of the teams in the league allow for teams/players arriving a little late. Its basic sportsmanship, & to be fair to this league, i have played in it for over 30 years & sportsmanship prevails the huge majority of the time.

I think its really poor that the Wizards claimed the game & in doing so have forced a team/players out of an already dwindling league, the upside Hoydy is that if you do come back & start in the lowest division, you will probably only need one promotion to be back in the top division again.