Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: Div 1 week 20

Posted by Spud on 23-09-2015 22:58

I'm not condoning the claiming of frames / matches...
It's not something I personally would do.

HOWEVER. . . . .

To simply try and add some counter balance to the debate, to play devils's advocate if you like....

There seems to be an argument that they managed to beat the ******* and had 3 players by 8:45 ("He was actually in the venue at 8:43")

The allocated start time to have AT LEAST 3 players by is 8:15....
So 8:43 / 8:45 matters not.... They're late... Well late.

Again, I am not condoning Claim Gate.... But the rules are rules are rules are rules.
Some people resort to claiming, but are they wrong, or do our rules need rewriting?

As for people quitting on the back of this... If you feel that strongly, why let the minority run you out of a game that you love and have passion for?

More still..... Why not run for a committee position, and have some influence on the rules and regs of what people can and can't do.

Just my thoughts to try and add balance to the debate.