Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: Div 1 week 20

Posted by qwerty on 23-09-2015 18:57

Well done to Martin/Chris for shaming your team last night You can play them rule book cards all day but what you seem to forget is 99 percent of the leagues Players come out to socialise and have a game of pool and it is that reason why 99percent of the league will be disgusted with your actions last night. Not only did you shame your team but you also forced one of the leagues great characters the german to retire due to disgust, And anyone that knows,the german will agree what a Great character and sportsman he is. I think the wizards should pulll out of the league and spend there tuesday evenings polishing Martin's and Chris's commitee members badges ..

Edited by qwerty on 23-09-2015 19:02