Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: Div 1 week 20

Posted by mayweatherbrindle on 23-09-2015 18:27

Actually jacko had just walked through the door a minute before 8.45 I know cos I was looking at the time with someone to see how long the 193s had and it was 8.43 then jacko walked in...yes rules are there for a reason but if that's the case and u feel so strongly about them then as jacko pointed out that singles and doubles should be played at the allocated time and place.if not then the game is forfeited.rules are rules which means your players have broke the was pathetic and a joke last night.and 90+% agree with what you lot done was a joke.even your own team said so.whats that saying??? Yh with decisions like that no wonder this league is looking more and more likely to going under.ok 193s should of tried to rearrange the match.but knowing you lot you would of still claimed it.i think there was a problem with re arranging a match when I played for the small pots because someone wanted to stick to the RULES.this is meant to be a laugh and for a few frames of pool....I really hope that for some reason you have problems and can't field a team and some one decides to claim it instead of rearranging's Un sportsman like.shame on the people who made that terrible decision