Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: SCPA KO Cup - Sunday 7th June

Posted by Viper on 31-05-2015 02:19

SURREY KO CUP DAY (all matches are over 18 frames – Minimum of 4 matches)
Sunday 7th June
at :- Frames Sports Bar (start time TBA)

Team playing order for the first match (Set 1 & possibly 2) :-
1. Terry Doke
2. Chris Knock
3. Tony Nuttman
4. Paul Wildman
5. John Baylis
6. Ben McCabe
7. Luke Willsher
8. Luke Thompson
9. Jon Prothero

Playing Reserves (in set 2) :-
Vennie Goulbourne
Shaun Nash

Non Playing Reserve
Mark Halsey