Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: League Cup Final Cuemasters Vs Rack Pack

Posted by AndyT on 28-04-2015 13:49

In true Rack Pack fashion we turned up too late as usual.. That's on the table - not to the venue! Before we knew it we were 7-2 down and it was only 9.30!!
A couple of good dishes from our dry breaks didn't help.
We managed to stop The Cuemasters crossing the line for a while and brought it back to 10-7 I think, match finished 11-7 to the Cuemasters - well done guys! :clap:

Posted by Shaggy on 28-04-2015 15:24

Two very deserving teams made the final of the showpiece Cup this year, and on the basis you both battered us, I didn't really mind who won.

The Cuemasters are a class act on and off the table, and nice to se them winning the major trophies. I genuinely have no idea why they are rarely involved in the league shake up at the end of the season, but fortunately for us seem to have the occasional lapse.

Well done to both, especially the victors.

Posted by the-shark on 28-04-2015 16:46

echo shaggys sentiments both top teams on and off the table so great to see them contesting a big final. well done the cuemasters and a great effort by the rat pack.

Posted by Viper on 28-04-2015 17:41

As a complete neutral and watching the game as a spectator it truly was a great final. Very clinical finishing by The Cuemasters took them to an early 7-2 lead in a short time but the Rack Pack seemed to re-group and get a second wind to claw back to 10-7 before Kevin Smith took the winning frame.