Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: CROYDON MONEY LEAGUE

Posted by Brooker on 08-08-2014 16:58

Although i am not in favour of this money league idea, i would assume that all monies would have to be paid before the competition starts & held centrally by the league & paid out at the end of the season. This would avoid any person or teams not honouring their bet. If you haven't paid by the start of the competition then you are not in it.

Also if a team were split in their decision as to take part or not, then the players that wanted to participate coulld put uo the stake & take the winnings with the other players in the team not involved of the money side of it at all. This could cause some in house arguments if a player not involved in the money side plays a bad game and loses the team points but, thats down to each individual to decide if they can rely on their team mates or not.

Personally from the comments above i think this is a non starter.