Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: CROYDON MONEY LEAGUE

Posted by Brooker on 28-07-2014 21:14

I personally wouldn't want to be involved in a money side of the league but, would really need to know more details about how it would run to make a fully educated decision.

Is it a case for instance that if a division of 10 teams has 5 teams contribute a sum of say £100 per team, those 5 teams would then play for the £500 in a kind of seperate division within the division & an agreed payout for example £300 for the winners & £200 for second ?

Would a newly promoted team to the first division really fancy putting up an even £100 withe the Eagles, Prop, Cue masters & Unpreds & fancy finishing in the top 2 to double their money ?

You could also have say 5 third division teams agrre to put in £100 only to find out at the start of the season a newly formed team in their division consists of top rate ex 1st division players looking to make an easy buck, this could cause bad feeling amongst teams.

I would like to see an agreed format before making a final decision though, & the fact it is optional means all those in favour can go for it regardless of what anyone else thinks, so at least its very democratic in that sense.