Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: doubles knock out 4th round

Posted by sk8shaun on 18-12-2011 18:18

hahahahaha throwing your dolly out of the parm are we baby boy? ok baby boy sit on mum lap its feeding time and sk8shaun will read you a bed time story explaining what a div you are! here we go
once upon there was a baby call NEIL he was the biggest div anyone has meet through out the land. He was so stupid he couldn't understand what banter is so to save the day the all mighty hero sk8shaun came to his rescue and explain that when he said please dont beat me up he was joking as the idiot of the village couldnt beat his way out of a paper bag! also sk8shaun explains now what he meant by the walk home it is just a dig that everyone made up about some muppet!little baby boy can now settle his head and sleep ! the end! guess what your new nickname is? its the tree trunk not because you big but because your dumb as f***! lol
p.s Rileys firth road ask me to remind you to stop be as cheap as you arsenal shirt and pay your money back!

NEIL HALL = NUMPTY (a nice simple one for a simple person)

2008 neil hall numpty of the year :trophyone:
2009 neil hall numpty of the year :trophyone:
2010 neil hall numpty of the year :trophyone:
2011 neil hall numpty of the year :trophytwo: