Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: doubles knock out 4th round

Posted by No1 Nugget on 16-12-2011 02:34

Chuckie wrote:
Neil, what do you think we should do?

Both Lee and I are in two minds whether or not to give a notified bye win. If the roles were reversed, would you and Tom do the same for us?

Everyone seems to be telling us to play the match again... But the moral side of things is making it a tough one to call. After all, Rileys did pay for the rights to host our match etc. But I personally think we should be able to play wherever we want!


chas give me a call on 07595 820 280

me and tom have spoke and had a laugh about the hole thing as you guys both asked us to play the game and paul saxton didnt say anything as he was cheering you on and he is on the comittee, i personally think we won fair and square, chas i have spoken to lee and wanted to speak to you so give us a call and we will talk,