Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: Prize money splits...

Posted by Petermcc on 22-11-2007 04:02

Hello all,
Just want to pick a pool brain or two for advice.

Q. What would people consider a fair split of a prize fund for a 9 man league, and how many places should be paid out?

The structure is simple: two fixtures played a week (ideally) of 10 frames, so the league runs for about 2-3 months.

The entry is ?80, so that's ?720 basic, plus a 50:50 split on table fees so an additional ?360 into the pot =total prize fund of ?1080.

Any and all advice welcome, thanks.


Posted by Sass on 22-11-2007 05:14

I've never run a singles league but I'd recommend having a look at the SPPL website. They've been running their singles leagues for years now and I would imagine have got it pretty much sorted . . .


Posted by Farley on 22-11-2007 06:27

10 Man Singles League... 8 frames...
?40 Entrance... ?4 each table money per week..

10 x ?40 Enterance = ?400.
9 Weeks x ?40. Table money = ?360.
Total Pot. ?760.

Split 1st. ?310...2nd. ?200...3rd. ?150...4th. ?100...

Works ok for my league... Best of luck...

Posted by Petermcc on 23-11-2007 01:06

Thanks for the advice, that gived me something to mull over.

Posted by Petermcc on 23-11-2007 01:07
